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FXAM              Examine                     Exception Flags: None


       Logic:      sets condition codes according to the value in ST

     FXAM causes the coprocessor to examine the value currently in ST. The
     condition codes are set as follows:

                C3 C2 C1 C0 Means
                -- -- -- -- -----
                0  0  0  0  +Unnormal
                0  0  0  1  +NAN
                0  0  1  0  -Unnormal
                0  0  1  1  -Unnormal
                0  1  0  0  +Normal
                0  1  0  1  +.
                0  1  1  0  -Normal
                0  1  1  1  -.
                1  0  0  0  +0
                1  0  0  1  Empty
                1  0  1  0  -0
                1  0  1  1  Empty
                1  1  0  0  +Denormal
                1  1  0  1  Empty
                1  1  1  0  -Denormal
                1  1  1  1  Empty

   Operands            Clocks         Bytes           Example
   FXAM                12-23            3             FXAM

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson